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 This truly embraced the meaning of our teamwork and game acceptance in this competitive gaming community.

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Maximum Pitch 

         Made 5 pitches to the stakeholders, and two product went to live in a minimal interval of time, ie Teen Patti International & Ludo International.

  1. Thorough Preparation: Each pitch likely involved thorough research, understanding of the market, competitors, and customer needs. Your preparation might have included detailed plans, strategies, and a clear vision for each product.

  2. Compelling Value Proposition: Your pitches probably highlighted the unique selling points and benefits of each product. This might have involved explaining how these products addressed specific pain points or fulfilled unmet needs for the target audience.

  3. Effective Communication: Presenting your ideas in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner is crucial. Your ability to articulate the value of these products might have been a key factor in getting stakeholders on board quickly.

  4. Strong Stakeholder Engagement: You likely engaged stakeholders effectively during the pitches, addressing their concerns, answering questions, and incorporating their feedback into the product development process. This could have built confidence and support for the initiatives.

  5. Agile Implementation: The quick turnaround suggests an agile approach to implementation. Perhaps you had streamlined processes, efficient project management, and a dedicated team ready to execute the plans immediately after approval.

  6. Prioritization of Key Projects: Identifying and prioritizing the most promising projects for quick implementation might have played a role. Focusing efforts on the most impactful ideas likely contributed to the swift launch of those two products.

  7. Adaptability and Flexibility: Being adaptable and flexible in response to changes or challenges during the pitching process can greatly influence success. It allows for adjustments and refinements that might be necessary for stakeholder buy-in.


Being a development lead


 Creating two titles, "Brain King - Puzzle Games" and "Run Baby Run - Movie Game," from concept to launch with limited resources and within a short timeframe is quite an accomplishment! Here's an outline of what might have been involved in developing these games:

  1. Conceptualization: This game likely stemmed from an idea to challenge and engage players' minds through various puzzles. The concept might have been about offering a diverse range of brain-teasing challenges, from logic puzzles to memory games, aimed at entertaining and exercising the players' minds.

  2. Resource Optimization: Given the limited resources, the development process probably involved maximizing the efficiency of available talent, tools, and technology. Leveraging reusable assets, adopting efficient coding practices, and possibly using existing frameworks or engines might have been crucial to save time and resources.

  3. Iterative Development: The game might have undergone iterative development cycles, focusing on core gameplay mechanics first before expanding to include additional levels, challenges, and design elements. This approach ensures that a basic, engaging version of the game could be launched within the short timeframe.

  4. User Experience and Testing: Prioritizing user experience would have been vital. Testing the puzzles rigorously, ensuring they were challenging yet enjoyable, and collecting user feedback for improvements would have been part of the iterative development process.

  5. Conceptual Integration with a Movie: This game likely revolved around the storyline or characters from a specific movie, aiming to engage players by immersing them in the movie's world through gameplay. Aligning the game mechanics with the movie's narrative might have been a key aspect.

  6. Resourceful Adaptation: Given the limited resources and time constraints, efficient adaptation of movie elements into game mechanics, such as characters, settings, and plot points, would have been critical. Creatively incorporating these aspects into a playable and engaging game would have required strategic planning.

  7. Agile Development Approach: Adopting an agile development methodology might have been essential, allowing for flexibility in adapting to changing requirements or feedback while maintaining a focus on delivering a playable version of the game within the short timeframe.


Solving Problems,
Developing Solutions...

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